Q3 efreeze

 Q3 variables (part IV)
r_simpleMipMaps "1" toggle the use of "simple" mip mapping. used to "dumb-down" resoluiton displays for slower machines - Questy


r_singleShader "0" possibly toggles use of 1 shader for objects that have multiple shaders


r_skipBackEnd "0" possibly to toggle the skipping of the backend video buffer


r_smp "0" toggle the use of multi processor acceleration code


r_speeds "0" show the rendering info e.g. how many triangles are drawn added r_speeds timing info to cinematic texture uploads "John Carmack" C
r_stencilbits "8" stencil buffer size (0, 8bit, and 16bit)


r_stereo "0" toggle the use of stereo separation for 3D glasses


r_subdivisions "4" set maximum level of detail. (an example would be the complexity of curves. 1=highest detail)


r_swapInterval "0" toggle frame swapping.


r_texturebits "0" set number of bits used for each texture from 0 to 32 bit


r_textureMode "" select texture mode. "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" (nearest or linear)


r_uiFullScreen "0"    
r_verbose "0" toggle display of rendering commands as they happen on the console C
r_vertexLight "1" enable vertex lighting (faster, lower quality than lightmap) removes lightmaps, forces every shader to only use a single rendering pass, no layered transparancy, environment mapping, world lighting is completely static, and there is no dynamic lighting when in vertex lighting mode. (recommend dynamiclight 0 and this 1) direct FPS benefit "John Carmack"


r_znear "4" set how close objects can be to the player before they're clipped out of the scene - Questy/Andre


rate "" modem speed/rate of data transfer "4500" (take a zero off the end of your connection speed?)


rcon_password "" set password for remote console control of the server removed cause dupe  
rconAddress "" variable holds IP address of the server for rcon  
rconPassword "" set password for remote console control of the server  
s_2dvolume "0.7" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable  
s_bloat "2.0" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable A
s_compression "1" toggle the use of sound compression A
s_distance "100.0" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable A
s_doppler "1.0" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable A
s_fogeq "0.8" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable  
s_geometry "1" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable  
s_initsound "1" toggle weather sound is initialized or not (on next game)  
s_khz "11" set the sampling frequency of sounds lower=performance higher=quality


s_leafnum "0"  


s_loadas8bit "1" load sounds in 8bit mode


s_max_distance "1000.0" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable A
s_min_distance "3.0" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable A
s_mixahead "0.2" set delay before mixing sound samples.


s_mixPreStep "0.05" possibly to set the prefetching of sound on sound cards that have that power


s_musicvolume "1" music volume level 0=off


s_numpolys "400" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable A
s_occ_eq "0.75" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable A
s_occfactor "0.5" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable A
s_occlude "0" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable  
s_polykeep "1000000000"   A
s_polyreflectsize "10000000"   A
s_polysize "10000000"   A
s_refdelay "2.0" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable A
s_refgain "0.45" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable A
s_reflect "1" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable  
s_rolloff "1.0" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable A
s_separation "0.5" set separation between left and right sound channels (this one is it)


s_show "0" toggle display of paths and filenames of all sound files as they are played. C
s_testsound "0" toggle a test tone to test sound system. 0=disables,1=toggles. C
s_usingA3D "0" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable R
s_volume "0.7" Sound FX Volume


s_watereq "0.2" vortex of sound- has a good description of this A3D variable  
scr_conspeed "3" set how fast the console goes up and down  
sensitivity "9" set how far your mouse moves in relation to travel on the mouse pad


server1 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server2 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server3 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server4 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server5 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server6 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server7 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server8 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server9 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server10 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server11 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server12 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server13 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server14 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server15 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
server16 "" holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr Qube A
session "2" possibly holds the value for the active session number when running multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine?  
session0 ""0 300 1 0 0 0" possibly to set up multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine (can you say BFServer with multiple processors?)  
session1 "0 300 1 0 0 0" possibly to set up multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine (can you say BFServer with multiple processors?)  
session2 "0 300 1 0 0 0" possibly to set up multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine (can you say BFServer with multiple processors?)  
session3 "0 300 1 0 0 0" possibly to set up multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine (can you say BFServer with multiple processors?)  
session4 "0 300 1 0 0 0" possibly to set up multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine (can you say BFServer with multiple processors?)  
sex "male" set gender for model characteristics (sounds, obituary's etc.) U A
showdrop "0" toggle display of dropped packets. 0=disables,1=toggles.  
showpackets "0" toggle display of all packets sent and received. 0=disables,1=toggles.  
showtrace "0" toggle display of packet traces. 0=disables,1=toggles.  
snaps "20" set the number of snapshots sever will send to a client (server run at 40Hz, so use 40, 20, or 10) -Randy


snd "visor" select which model sounds your player uses (mix it up)


sv_allowAnonymous "0" possibly to toggle the allowing of anonymous clients to connect to your server
sv_allowdownload "1" toggle the ability for clients to download files maps etc. from server. .  
sv_cheats "1" enable cheating commands (give all) (serverside only) R
sv_floodProtect "1" toggle server flood protection to keep players from bringing the server down S A
sv_fps "20" set the max frames per second the server sends the client  
sv_hostname "" set the name of the server "Shadowlands"


sv_keywords "" variable holds the search string entered in the internet connection menu


sv_killserver "0" if set to a one the server goes down (server console only I hope)  
sv_lanForceRate "1" forces LAN clients to the maximum rate instead of accepting client setting


sv_mapChecksum "" allows check for client server map to match


sv_mapname "" display the name of the current map being used on a server S R
sv_master1 "" set URL or address to master server "master3.idsoftware.com"  
sv_master2 "" optional master 2 A
sv_master3 "" optional master 3 A
sv_master4 "" optional master 4 A
sv_master5 "" optional master 5 A
sv_maxclients "8" maximum number of people allowed to join the server dedicated server memory optimizations. Tips: com_hunkMegs 4 sv_maxclients 3 bot_enable 0 "John Carmack"


sv_maxPing "0" set the maximum ping aloud on the server to keep HPB out


sv_maxRate "" option to force all clients to play with a max rate. This can be used to limit the advantage of LPB, or to cap bandwidth utilization for a server. Note that rate is ignored for clients that are on the same LAN. Father John stepping in, in the name of fairness…(c: (ever notice when 3 or so LPB's join a server your PING takes a dump? It's because your slice of the pie got smaller because theirs is so big…die bandwidth suckers) S A
sv_minPing "0" set the minimum ping aloud on the server to keep LPB out S A
sv_nopredict "0" is it possible that the server is handling some prediction of player location?  
sv_pad "0"    
sv_padPackets "0" possibly toggles the padding of network packets on the server PAD - Packet Assembler/Disassembler  
sv_pakNames "antilogic" variable holds a list of all the pk3 files the server found "antilogic"
sv_paks "182784856 " variable holds the checksum of all pk3 files


sv_paused "0" allow the game to be paused from the server console?


sv_privateClients "0" the number of spots, out of sv_maxclients, reserved for players with the server password (sv_privatePassword) - Holesinswiss


sv_privatePassword "" set password for private clients to login with  
sv_punkbuster "0" enable the punkbuster server in the server creation menu


sv_pure "1" disallow native DLL loading if sv_pure, requires clients to only get data from pk3 files the server is using "John Carmack"  
sv_reconnectlimit "3" number of times a disconnected client can come back and reconnect  
sv_referencedPakNames "" variable holds a list of all the pk3 files the server loaded data from. these pk3 files will be autodownloaded by a client if the client does not have them. "baseq3/pak2 baseq3/pak0"
sv_referencedPaks "" variable holds the checksum of the referenced pk3 files
sv_running "1" variable flag tells the console weather or not a local server is running


sv_serverid "" hmm…"8021204"


sv_showloss "0" toggle sever packet loss display  
sv_strictAuth "1" server side variable to control wether strict CDKEY authentication should be performed with the authentication server this is required if you want reliable cl_guid for the server


sv_timeout "120" sets the amount of time for the server to wait for a client packet before assuming a disconnected state.  
sv_zombietime "2" the amount of time in minutes before a frozen character is removed from the map.  
sv_zone "default" this is the keyword that clients will search for, server admin's should set this variable to the gametype they have running. free for all, tournament, team deathmatch, and CTF I do not know if you can deviate from the keywords the way Zaphod laid them down in the whatsnew.txt


sys_cpuid "33" more snooping into your CPU  
sys_cpustring "" variable holds a string that identifies your processor  
team_headmodel "" set head of team_model to a head that will only be used during team game play


team_model "" set player model that will only be used during team game play


teamoverlay "0" toggle the drawing of the colored team overlay on the HUD


teamflags "0" set flags for team play (probably will be a hex value like deathmatch flags)


teamtask "0" variable holds the number of the team task you are currently asigned 1 - offense 2 - defense
3 - point/patroll 4 - following 5 - retrieving 6 - escort(gaurding flag carrier) 7 - camping


timedemo "0" when set to "1" times a demo and returns frames per second like a benchmark C
timegraph "0" toggle the display of the timegraph. . C
timelimit "0" amount of time before new map loads or next match begins


timescale "1" set the ratio between game time and real time


ui_bigFont "0.4"  


ui_browserGameType "0" set server search game type in the browser list (see g_gametype)


ui_browserMaster "0" set server search 0=LAN 1=Mplayer 2=Internet 3=Favorites - WeeJoker


ui_browserShowEmpty "1" toggle the displaying of empty servers in the browser list


ui_browserShowFull "1" toggle the displaying of full servers in the browser list


ui_browserSortKey "4" set the field number to sort by in the browser list 0=Server Name 1=Map Name 2=Open Player Spots 3=Game Type 4=PingTime


ui_cdkeychecked "1" set to a 1 after the cdkey has been checked so won't ask again R
ui_ctf_capturelimit "8" set the menu default capture limit for single player bot matches A
ui_ctf_friendly "0" toggle team mate damage in single player CTF bot matches A
ui_ctf_timelimit "30" set the menu default CTF time limit for single player bot matches A
ui_ffa_fraglimit "20" set the menu default frag limit for single player FFA bot matches A
ui_ffa_timelimit "0" set the menu default time limit for single player FFA bot matches A
ui_master "0" set server search 0=LAN 1=Mplayer 2=Internet 3=Favorites - WeeJoker


ui_singlePlayerActive "0"    
ui_smallFont "0.25"  


ui_spSelection "2" set the menu default gametype of single player? 16 = CTF 2 = FFA DM R
ui_team_fraglimit "0" set the menu default frag limit for single player team bot matches A
ui_team_friendly "1" toggle default team mate damage in single player team bot matches A
ui_team_timelimit "20" set the menu default time limit for single player team bot matches A
ui_tourney_fraglimit "0" set the menu default frag limit for single player tourney bot matches A
ui_tourney_timelimit "15" sets the menu default time limit for single player tourney bot matches A
username "vern" variable holds your network login id from %username% env variable…hmmm? id hackers!  
version "" Q3 1.32 win-x86 Oct 7 2002


versionNumber "" "Q3T 1.08"


vid_xpos "30" x position when windowed


vid_ypos "30" y position when windowed


viewlog "0" toggle the display of the startup console window over the game screen


viewsize "100" changes view port size 0 - 100 (you probably wouldn't want less than 100)


vm_cgame "0" part of the virtual machine interpreter which allows PC MOD makers to not have to know MAC code and MAC MOD makers to not have to know PC


vm_game "0" toggle the virtual machine interpreter, cgame can switch between being loaded as a binary .dll or an interpreted .qvm at the change of this cvar


vm_ui "0" part of the virtual machine interpreter which allows PC MOD makers to not have to know MAC code and MAC MOD makers to not have to know PC


win_hinstance "" address of the handle instance of quake3 under windows - LOKi


win_wndproc "" the address of the function that receives messages from windows (4368704) - MeTaL125


zoomfov "22.5" what the zoomed in field of view will be any thing more than 30 would not be sniper friendly


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